The ultimate travel companion

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Plan solo or group trips, book tours happening around or get connected to top travel curators to help you plan your next adventure. All with one app. For real.

trip details
tour page

One platform for all
things travel and tour

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Plan your next trip in 5 taps or less.

With just a few taps, you can create your next trip. Just choose a location and you’re done. Optionally, you can add a date, invite others and add itinerary. But that’s not all. You can do so much more!

  • Make picture and video collections

    Make picture and video collections

  • Make a travel journal

    Make a travel journal

  • Browse where to eat

    Browse where to eat

  • Find places to stay

    Find places to stay

  • Sync schedule to calendar

    Sync schedule to calendar

  • budget

    Budget tracker

  • offline

    Access offline mode

  • location

    View places to visit

  • discover

    Discover things to do

  • more

    More on the way

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Stop roaming. Start discovering.

You no longer have to search for tours to book on multiple social media platforms. What's even better is that you won't have to deal with questionable and unprofessional travel and tour agencies anymore.

How Discover works

  • 1

    Browse 1000s of carefully curated tours being offered by approved travel and tour agencies.

  • 2

    Select your prefered tour and make payment. You can book for multiple people.

  • 3

    Join the tour group to get updates.

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Maybe you’re a bit too busy to plan your trip. Let us take care of it for you.

Planning a trip can be a daunting task sometimes — and we can totally relate. With our Requests feature, all you have to do is tell us what you want in your next adventure. We’ll take care of the rest.

How it works

  • 1

    Answer a few questions about what you want in your next trip.

  • 2

    Receive proposals from the many professional travel curators on Mizormor.

  • 3

    Select your preferred option.

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A thousand and one more reasons why you’ll love Mizormor


Built with Accessibility

We’re focused on providing the best experience regardless of device, platform, or disability by incorporating established guidelines & best practices.


Multiple language support

Use Mizormor in the langauge you’re most comfortable with. We’re starting with 5 languages and adding more regularly.


Fast & secure passwordless login

Passwords are hard to remember, and easy to misplace. So we’ve implemented a safer way to use Mizormor without needing to remember passwords.


Bank level data encryption

Our data protection infrastructure is quivalent to the same high-level security implemented by financial service providers and banks. Your data is safe with us.


Multiple currency support

You can view Tour prices, pay for them and receive refunds in your local currency or any currency you’re already comfortable using.


24/7 customer support available

Got stuck? Have some feedback? You wish to see something implemented? Get in touch! You can always trust us to have your back at all times.

are you an agency?

Make Mizormor your new home!

We have assembled the essential resources to help you easily set up and manage your agency without breaking a sweat. From planning your next tour, to receiving bookings and payments, communicating with your customers, and managing your team.

Cookie notice 🍪

We use our own cookies, as well as those of third parties, for individual as well as repeated sessions, in order to make the navigation of our website easy and safe for our users.

Cookies policy